So they say, "Things Always Come in Three's". Well, Little MAE is living proof of this lately. Poor little guy. The last three Monday's he has been sick.
One: First came strep throat and he was out of school Monday - Wednesday.
Two: And then two weeks later, strep came back to visit. Ack! Of course, the Mom that I am feels completely at fault over this one - but who knows. The doctor said, strep is very easy to kill but VERY easy to return. It could have returned because the antibiotic wasn't strong enough or it could have returned because I FORGOT to change out the TOOTH PASTE when I changed out all of our tooth brushes. Or maybe I missed a door nob somewhere in my Lysol parade around the house. As a Mom, I'll continue to harvest guilt over this one. The strep germs must have still been somewhere in our house!
Three: Monday at 2am the THIRD sickness came to visit Little MAE. He woke up crying and screaming. I thought at first he was just really scared or mad at something - maybe his "cuuvies" (blankets) were tangled, but OH NO. The THIRD yucky was here to visit and it attacked Little MAE with a cruel vengeance and DID NOT take heed to ANY parents standing by in it's path. For the next TWELVE hours it ran it's course and completely took the THOMAS THE TRAIN PLAYING life out of Little MAE. It's in those moments where your child begins to PLEAD with YOU, the PARENT to make it stop and you feel HELPLESS. You wonder, how do "THEY" do it. How do THOSE parents of children who have cancer or other long term illnesses do THIS? How do their children endure endless days of suffering? I can not say. As terrible as it sounds - I am only grateful to not know. I believe OUR LORD, gives us each day our daily BREAD. And I believe God must give them and their children a complete EXTRA DOSE of SUPER HUMAN BREAD. So I say a little prayer for all those parents and kiddo's who have to battle more than Little MAE did yesterday.
Little MAE is doing better now. Today will be another day of LYSOL, LAUNDRY, LIQUIDS and LOADS of LOVE for Little MAE.
P.S. Children say the funniest things - even when they are sick. On several occasions yesterday, LIttle MAE said, "My tummy not nice". And then speaking to his own tummy he said, "Not nice tummy, NOT NICE!".
Poor little Matthew!! Glad to hear he is finally feeling better. Really hoping & praying you or Mike don't get sick as well!!
oh my goodness....I commented on this the other day and now I realize my comment is poof...nowhere. Sigh....oh to be technically savvy :-)
Hope things are better now!! I have to say I'm adopting the "not nice tummy" thing. I LOVE that!!
Thanks for the well wishes ladies! Unfortunately, Mikey fell ill but is much better now and back at work. God's grace has kept me healthy !!
Yes, I loved the "not nice tummy" comment too! Today Matthew told his Gramma, "My tummy not nice" and added, "it's hiccups, hurt, not nice tummy hiccups!".
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